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  Clamps & Connectors

Suspension Clamps

RUL offers complete range of envelope design clamps from 6 mm dia to 55 mm diameter conductor. Clamp bodies and keeper pieces are cast in high strength copper free Al-Si Alloy and are also made in other alloys , heat-treated depending upon strength requirement. The U-bolt and clevis pins are of galvanized steel while split pins are of either brass or stainless steel. These clamps offer minimum power loss and heating due to hysteresis effect at higher currents.

 Suitable socket / clevis eye are available as mating fittings.

Clamps are available to suit all sizes of conductors and Earthwires in various designs in all ranges.

Slip strength ratings approximate upto 30% ultimate strength of ACSR.

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                                KOLKATA-700022, INDIA.

   Phone No. :
 91-(033)-2223-0376/ 0377/ 0378
Fax No.        :  91-(033)-2223-0201/ 0297
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